Hi Everyone on behalf of the team at makeCNC I’d like to welcome you to our new blog. As you can probably notice we are pretty new to how this all works but we will do our best to get you the information you need to make your visit here and to our web store a useful and fun experience.

I am Paul Campbell the owner here at makeCNC and the guy who you will mostly hear from in this blog, although Julie and others may chime in from time to time with something interesting. We have a ton of things going on here at makeCNC this year that people who are involved with CNC or 3D printing or scroll sawing, laser cutting and just general DIY making should  find interesting. We will be launching some really exciting new features to the makeCNC website over the next few months and on into next year. We have some really cool new software widgets that will make your life much more productive if you are using any type of CNC tools and we are developing new ways to deliver content to you that will allow you to create custom patterns to suite your taste and needs. It’s a huge task for just a few people to accomplish and we have so many new areas of projects and patterns and other CNC related things on the drawing board you would be stunned just trying to get your head around it all but we are very passionate about what we do here and will endevour to bring some amazing new ideas and projects to the table for you to enjoy reading about and using in your  adventures into CNC and Robotic Tools.